Kolonoskopi Kimlere Uygulanır ?

To Whom Is Colonoscopy Applied?

Colonoscopy is the most reliable method for screening for colon (large intestine) cancer in healthy people aged 50 years and older. Essentially, in the United States and many European countries, colonoscopy has become a standard for the check-up program for individuals over the age of 50.

Large-scale scientific studies have declared that colonoscopy follow-up performed at intervals of 3-5 years provides a 75% reduction in the risk of death from colon cancer. If the complaints in people aged 40 and under indicate a problem in the last parts of the large intestine, then it is sufficient to perform flexible sigmoidoscopy instead of colonoscopy.

Colonoscopy is the most reliable method for screening for colon (large intestine) cancer in healthy people aged 50 years and older.
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